Student loan debt makes up the 2nd largest amount of debt in the nation, behind mortgages. If you are managing student loans, you are not alone. West Virginians are carrying more than $5 billion in debt from student loans, and many are struggling to keep up.
Historically, there were very few options for reducing student loan debt. Many new options have opened up since 2020. There are new opportunities to manage your student loan debt – or even discharge it all together – and attorneys at Pepper & Nason are experts in this area.
We are committed to guiding you through this process and helping you identify options that would be most beneficial for you.
One step you can take today: Please fill out the bankruptcy or student loan questionnaire here or contact Pepper & Nason by calling us at (304) 346-0361 today, to find out if we can help you.
Request a meeting with Emmett Pepper, student loan lawyer.
Our staff will contact you to set up a meeting ASAP, either in-person or remotely.